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도쿄 사무실
서울 사무실
A message from our CEO - Mr. Paul Capodanno
Building a network of reputable, strong, and amazingly dedicated companies in Asia has been our mission for many years here at Pista Enterprises. Our team and partners strive to provide modern and flexible solutions to carry our mission to help western foreign companies enter the APAC markets, with all the tools, support and customer service necessary to succeed in Japan, South Korea and Australia.
Behind commercial achievements and the continuous growth of our clients, is the vision to enhance the relationships between Western and Eastern cultures, the share of technologies, ideas and solutions necessary to build the companies of the future and ultimately provide the end users with amazing choices.
We thank you for your support,
Mr. Paul Capodanno
CEO | Pista Enterprises, G.K.
Trade Name Pista Health - A Division of Pista Enterprises, G.K.
Location of Head Office Eagle Hamamatsucho
2-7-17 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan 〒105-0013
Contact Phone: +81 080-7296-1881
Name and Title of Representatives. Executive Officer: Paul Capodanno
Amount of Capital 10,000,000 yens
Type Company with committees
End of Fiscal Year December 31
Registered Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)